Benefits of Macadamia and Borretsch Oil in Locherber Skin Care Posted on 23 Mar 00:00

Locherber Anti Ageing Day and Night Cream

Nature’s Answer For Hydrated And Nourished Skin - Locherber Anti Ageing Day and Night Cream

 Younger-looking and feeling facial skin is quickly becoming the most desired characteristic among men and women alike, regardless of age. Skin care companies are searching and discovering new products every day to help erase wrinkles and lines, and to create youthful skin. There are several products on the market that claim to be “miracle products” – promising amazingly fast results, but don’t deliver on their promises. Don’t get caught up in the hype of companies trying to sell strange or scientific sounding products.

There exists a combination of three naturally-occurring oils that when combined in skin care products help to repair and restore damaged skin for a natural, youthful glow. Evening Primrose oil, Macadamia oil, and Borretsch oil, when combined, create an effect that other skin care products can only dream of achieving.

 These oils are found in nature and don’t contain any foreign or person-made chemicals to further damage skin. In combination, they act as a dynamic source of skin hydration, allowing skin to naturally become healthier. These oils help to repair and restore damage, while nourishing and protecting skin.

 Evening Primrose oil, Macadamia oil, and Borretsch oil can be found in Locherber Anti Ageing Day and Night Cream. Applied at the end of the day to a well washed face, this anti-aging cream uses these powerhouse oils to combat dry skin and protect smoothness. Incredibly easy to use, this product works while you sleep, allowing the oils to absorb into your skin and hydrate thirsty areas. Your skin needs rest and rejuvenation just like you do! Wake up with refreshed skin.

 This incredible trio of natural oils can also be found in Locherber Nourishing Cream Nutri Age 50 ml. Just as your body needs healthy and natural food to function, your skin also needs nourishment to look its absolute best! This cream is exactly the type of nourishment your skin is looking for, and you can see that as it is absorbed into your skin immediately, leaving no greasy residue.


The Evening Primrose oil, Macadamia oil, and Borretsch oil come together to penetrate the skin and leave it feeling softer than ever before. You can tell your skin has been craving these natural oils by the way the cream is absorbed right away. These oils get to work right away and don’t stop until the restoration is complete.

Don’t bother with complicated creams with unknown ingredients made in a lab somewhere. Evening Primrose oil, Macadamia oil, and Borretsch oils are found in nature, and your skin will thank you! They come together to provide hydration, restoration, and a natural glow for damaged skin. Feel the difference when using these oils and know that you are using the best ingredients made by nature.