Relaxina Plus Drops


Dietary supplement with natural plant extract and Melatonin

15 ml

Relaxina Plus Drops

Ingredients: f.e. from: Eschscholtzia (Eschscholtzia californica Chamisson) flowers, St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) flowers, water; f.e. from Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) root; d.e. from Magnolia [(Magnolia officinalis Rehder et Wilson) bark, Maltdextrin], alcohol - Sweeteners: Fructose, Sucralose - Melatonin 0.4%; Flavour: Orange, Emulgator: Polysorbate 80; Vitamin B6.

Suggested dosage: 10 drops, corresponding to 275 mg, to be taken before going to bed, with water or other lukewarm beverage (max. 40° C) · Shake before use.

Physiological effect: Melatonin contributes to the reduction of time taken to fall asleep • Eschscholtzia, Hypericum and Valerian  act favorably on the relaxation.

Daily value of plant ingredients: Eschscholtzia 90 mg, St. John’s Wort 68 mg (3.4 µg of Hypericine), Valerian 45 mg, Magnolia 6.8 mg.
Daily contents of other nutritional factors: Melatonin 1.1 mg, Vit. B6 0.2 mg.

Storage: Store in a cool dry place · Once opened, do not keep for more than two months. · A slight deposit does not spoil the quality of the product.

Directions: Do not exceed recommended daily dosage · Dietary supplements do not replace a varied diet Keep out of the reach of children under three years·

Precautions: Not to be taken during pregnancy · Do not use before or whilst  driving · The concomitant use of alcoholic substances is not recommended.

Ministry of Health Register N. 36032